Writing Paper Pad, Glue Bound Top, Legal Rule, 100 Sheets, Letter 8-1/2" x 11-3/4" - No Margin, Canary

Writing Paper Pad, Glue Bound Top, Legal Rule, 100 Sheets, Letter 8-1/2" x 11-3/4" - No Margin, Canary

Letter 8-1/2" x 11-3/4" - No Margin / Canary / DZ (Dozen)

NSN/SKU: 7530-01-516-7571
Regular priceYour Price: $28.50 / DZ ($2.37 each)
Free Shipping on orders over $75
Est. Lead Time: 3-5 Business Days

Versatile paper pad made of 16-lb basis weight has many uses. These pads are glue-bound on the top and is 5/16" legal ruled on both sides (except where noted) with a 22-pt backing board. Made from 50% recycled and 30% post-consumer materials. Meets CPG guidelines and Executive Orders 13514 and 13423.

Product Line Options

Product Details

Returnable Yes
UPC 071503760180

Environmental Attributes

Post-Consumer Recycled Content 0%
Pre-Consumer Recycled Content 0%
Recyclable Yes
Total Recycled Content 0%

Essentially-The-Same (ETS) Commercial Products:

The following commercial products are equivilent to AbilityOne NSN 7530-01-516-7571. The federal government is prohibited from purchasing the below commercial products without a waiver approved by the AbilityOne Commission.

Manufacturer Commercial SKU (UPC)
AMPAD 21212 (074319212126), AMP21212 (074319212126), AMP21262 (074319212621), TOP21212 (074319212126)
ESSELTE PENDAFLEX CORP. ESS21212 (074319212126), ESS21262 (074319212621)
TOPS 35X019, 7522, TOP7522 (025932752216)
UNIVERSAL 35X065, UNV22000 (087547220009)